Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The holidays are upon us again! I can’t believe it’s been a full year already. This time last year Scott and I were getting ready to embark on our big Alaskan adventure. I took some time this morning to go back and look at my blogs from January through March of our time in Sitka. Man! That place was amazing!
Thanksgiving has come and gone, too much turkey has been eaten, and now the race to get Christmas cards postmarked in time is on.  I realize how much I’ve been posting about Thor lately so I thought I would try and focus more human aspect of our trio (this time).
We’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve been able to spend with our families off and on this past month. From the birthdays of 90% of our families packed into 30 intense partying days, to sharing nice sit down holiday meals with everyone. It’s been a real treat and we still have more to come!
For those of you who aren’t my friend on face book and missed the epic pictorial chronicles of my trip to St. Louis with Terra, here’s a recap. Ps, we had an amazing time!

Food: Food is always a huge part of any trip in my family so we made sure this was no exception. Some of the highlights include, but aren’t limited to; Sushi and lotus buns (Oh! Dear sweet lotus-y goodness!), S’more ravioli (exactly what it sounds like… heaven), and Cheesecake factory for more artery clogging amazing-ness on a fork.

Adventure: St. Louis Zoo, da Vinci invention exhibit (on loan from Florence), SL Art Museum where they had Monte’s Water Lilies and a few of his exercises in lilies, and finally the SL Science Center where were absolutely went to the Star Trek expo.

Scott overcome with Skyrim joy--

More: I don’t know what category this would fall under but we definitely watched Netflix one night on Terra’s iphone… FYI-- Arrested Development is still super funny in miniature.

Scott’s life in the past few weeks can be summed up into one word… SKYRIM! He has been consumed.
All in all we are doing great and looking forward to Christmas back home with the families (wow, kind of sounds like we’re in the mafia). Can’t wait to see everyone soon!

All the lovin’ we have to give,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Ah, the ordinary life. This is something on which I’ve been reflecting as of late. It’s so strange to me to be settled without the goal of the next step in sight. Our whole lives have been leading up to what is next, hanging in anticipation of completion—High school to college, college to graduation, dating to marriage, school to job. So, now that we have accomplished all that we set out to do, what next?
We’ve really enjoyed the down time of getting to know a new city and a new job but now the dust has settled and we are left at a cross road. I’m certainly not the first to be here, I’m simply taking my turn. It’s moments like this in life where we meet our proverbial two roads in a yellow wood. But what Frost didn’t say, for I’m sure it would have been far less poetical, is that it’s not two roads in a wood, it is fifteen blasted roads and they all look equal.
So, as dear Mr. Frost has failed me on in my search, I turn now to Mr. Thoreau.
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” –Henry David Thoreau
I suppose these are our common hours where we gather our confidence to set forth into the direction of the life we dream. And if there is one thing Scott and I are good at, it’s dreaming. J We have dreams and schemes to come if we hold to our courage and each other.
A little about our ordinary life lately:

almsot 5 months

Please, not before my coffee
Proud graduate!

Scott’s job is going great and will only be getting better at the first of the New Year when they get a night shift pharmacist. He’s been working so hard and I know for him (an eternal night owl) the 6am shift has been a huge adjustment. But, with the help of early bed times, strong coffee, and the occasional nap (like the one he’s taking right now), mornings are far more do-able. Turns out, Thor isn’t much for early mornings either.
Scott took Thor camping again this past weekend with some of his friends. This was the first time Thor had to pack in with the big boys. They only went a mile and a half but pup had to learn how to pace himself. He came home filthy and exhausted… but very happy. Also, puppy graduated from his Puppy 1 class-- top of his class might I add. We were very, very proud!
While the boys were off playing in the dirt, I made a quick trip down to Little Rock to run in the Race for the Cure. Sara and I braved the hoards of estrogen and pressed on for 3.2 miles. What a great cause for so many men and women to support. Everywhere you looked, forward or backward, the roads were packed with people who were or knew someone affected by breast cancer. Talk about ordinary people doing the extraordinary.
Nothing big or special in our current plans, but who knows what we’ll dream up next? I suppose it’s a nice change to live life day to day, enjoying surprise bouquets, warm puppy bellies, and the beautiful foliage of the Ozarks in the fall.
We love and miss everyone and can’t wait for the holidays to get here!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Since September 25th 1986, 25 years have passed. I am in a new age demographic and can check a new box on questionnaires. In car years I’m a classic.
I remember my 4th birthday party (which was so stinking awesome) at Pizza Hut. Rafael, the ninja turtle, was there making it that much better. But more than that, my granddad came in with a brand new boom box on his shoulder for me playing New Kids on the Block’s “Happy Birthday Girl”. I was in childhood Nirvana.
My 9th birthday I was given a musical jewelry box that I still use today. My mother told me that it was a very special birthday since it was the last time I would celebrate a single digit. I’m pretty sure we had the party at Chuck-E-Cheeze back when it was Show-Biz. Ah, yes, the large robot band and ball pit.
16 was a fun birthday thanks to all my wonderful friends and family who threw me a fun surprise party. There was swimming, because in AR September doesn’t always mean cold weather, and an Italian themed cake, since I was obsessed with Italy.
When I turned 21 it was a month after Scott and I got married. He took me shopping then cooked dinner before we went out for dessert and drinks. It was the first birthday I didn’t get breakfast in bed (a beloved Clark kid tradition). But getting to spend my birthday with my husband was a worthy trade off.
And now I arrive to my 25th, my golden birthday. My favorite thing of all time is getting overly dressed up and going out some place formal. Branson is limited on its formal dining but the Hilton obliged us. I rented a beautiful Badgley Mischka gown (in gold, of course) with the most amazing Elizabeth Cole earrings ever, and had a big night on the town with Scott and our friends Josh and Sara. After formal dining we decided to head down town to our favorite Irish pub and class the joint up a little. It was hilarious!
Scott, of course, spoiled me with gifts all week ending with flowers, Spumante, and a NASCAR cake. Have I ever seen NASCAR? No. Do I like NASCAR? No. But who am I to question the man who is about to take me out for an amazing evening? Turns out, the cake was pretty tasty.

Shamelessly sprawling

 As for our favorite four legged friend, he was happy to help us celebrate too. He played with Miguel all weekend and minded his manners around my dress. He turned 4 months old at the end of September. His puppy classes are going great still. I took him on a hike last week and he was off leash the whole time. He would walk right beside me unless he saw something interesting; then, he would run ahead about 10 feet and wait for me to catch up. I must say, he is a really awesome dog.
I would like to thank everyone who has touched my life in the last 25 years. I know it takes a village and I’m grateful to each of you. The love and joy that has filled my life is more than any one person could hope or ask for.
Our love to you all,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Oh the gloriousness of fall! Cool weather means getting to spend more time outside, sleeping with the windows open, and of course all the cold weather food!

Scott, Thor, and I got to make our first trip back to Fayetteville as a little family. We were so excited for everyone to meet (and love) our baby. First stop was at Nana’s where he soon felt right at home. Marma came over to play with her granddog since Sophie, her English springer spaniel, is not the friendliest little gal when it comes to other pups. I think he won them over with the toe licking. J
Next stop was Scott’s parent’s house. They have recently adopted a pair of adorable (and quite possibly the tiniest I’ve ever seen) kittens. Thor has been well socialized with other dogs of all sizes but this was his first encounter with a cat. At first he thought they were toys and went to pick one up with his mouth until it started hissing and spitting at him. From then on, it was lesson learned and he gave the 1lb fluff balls plenty of space.
After that we stopped over at Daddy’s for Thor to meet Sobe, his year old Boston terrier. They really hit it off! The two of them ran and played until they were both so tiered they collapsed and took a nap together. They’re pretty darn cute!
By the time we left to head back to Branson Thor was so exhausted he passed out before we left the city limits. But it was so fantastic to see everyone.

Amy, Terra, me @ Glitchcon

The next weekend was the first of the cool weather so Scott packed up Thor and headed down to Rush camp grounds for a little fall camping. I made an ultra quick trip to Fayetteville while they were gone to spend a little extra time with people I missed the first time around. This included going to Glitchcon with Terra, my sister, and her husband. It was a trip! I believe we had the best time of anyone at the conference. Apparently, Thor did great camping but is missed his life indoors and was ready to come home.
This past weekend was cold and rainy so we headed to the store and got everything we would need to survive including, but not limited to, hot cocoa, marshmallows, and all the fixings to make spiced cider. Then, we spent the weekend cuddled up on the couch watching movies and reading good books. Perfection!

Thor, 16 wks

Next weekend is my golden birthday! I’ll be 25 on the 25th-- I’m pretty darn excited about it too. We’re keeping it small but formal (because there is nothing I like better in this world than dressing up!) and celebrating with some friends in the area the following weekend. But I’ll go ahead and tell you I’ve rented a gold Badgley Mischka gown for the occasion… Ah! So excited!

Speaking of birthday’s… Thor is 4 months old today! He’s currently (as best as I could measure a moving target) 25 inches tall, and 41 inches long (from nose to rump), and weighs 53lbs! That’s our big boy!
Hope everyone is getting out there and enjoying this amazing weather!
Love you guys,

Monday, August 29, 2011

Big ladies man...er--pup

It amazes me how much can happen in such a short time.
Last we left you; Thor was our gangly, clumsy, pile of love. Now he is… well, still all of those things but bigger. Today we went to our last puppy check up. He had his last round of shots and took it like a trooper. He weighed in at 40lbs. For anyone keeping track that is a 10lb gain in three weeks. When I measured his height, he is 22 ½ inches at the shoulder. This is 2½ inches up from 10 weeks. And I forgot to do an initial length measurement but he’s currently about 38inches from the tip of his nose to the base of his tail. Scott and I think he’s grown at least 3 inches there. The doctor said he’s in perfect shape and to keep doing what we’re doing.
Turns out though, our little guy is a super ladies man--- To all my single male friends out there, I found your solution!  This pup’s everybody’s friend and knows no stranger. He was so sweet and loving to everyone who handled him. He made sure to give the cute nurse extra kisses (which she loved). Little guy already has game.
Lately, we’ve been working on our off leash training every day. He’s done such a great job of heeling by my side on our walks. In the afternoons, we spend time out in the front yard playing. He knows exactly where our property line is and sticks to it. But, because I’ve been working so much off leash I haven’t put his harness on him in a couple of weeks. When I went to put it on him this morning for the vet, I was out of luck. He’d out grown it.
So, after our vet visit we dropped by the pet store. All of the workers just crooned over him. We found a very handsome harness that is a little big right now but he’ll grow into it quickly, I’m sure. While we were there we also got him signed up for puppy classes now that he’s fully vaccinated. In the meantime though, he’s already learned sit, stay, heel, and the ever popular… no.
But nurses and strangers aren’t the only ones crazy for our pup. My big sister, Terra, came up to Branson for a visit last week. If you don’t know Terra then it is crucial to understand that she is terrified of and, overall, detests all dogs. Even our family dogs growing up she regarded with much disdain. So, this visit was a biggie. Thankfully, he worked his charming puppy mojo on her and she fell for him hook line and sinker. Frankly, this speaks volumes. All puppy lovin’ aside though, it was so fantastic to get to spend some quality time with her! Thanks Bella!

Also, amongst our visitors is our new friend Miguel (who is a pug/? (his mother was of questionable character)). These two played and played until they were so tierd they laid on the floor looking at each other unable to go another round. They were so fun to watch. I know Thor is looking forward to more play dates!
Scott’s job is still going wonderfully. I’m so glad he gets to do what he loves and, of equal importance, in a friendly environment that makes work enjoyable. I know as the nights get cooler he’s anxious for camping season to start. But, this southern heat is still keeping us out of the woods… for now.
Me? Well, see above for anything new in my life. J
Hugs and kisses to our loving friends and family. We will see you all very soon!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Puppy love

So, this past Friday Scott and I enjoyed our 4 year anniversary of marriage to one another. We celebrated with our shared gift this year, Thor. But my darling husband also surprised me with 18 beautiful red roses and a new master bath décor that I’ve been wanting. This year of our marriage has, without a doubt, been the one with the most exciting changes yet. From jobs to moving to homes and a puppy to fill our hearts; life has proven most exciting!

10 weeks old

Our first week with our little big guy has been so much fun. His crate training has been a huge success as he can now make it all the way through the night without potty breaks. SLEEP-YAY! We’ve formed a great daily routine that has really worked out well. It involves pooping, eating, playing sleeping, pooping, eating, sleeping, playing, eating, pooping, sleeping. He’s learning to listen to our commands and is getting much better about following directions. I know he only wants to be near us and please us at all times. I can’t wait to start puppy school!

He's our love bug

He loves sitting/lying in my lap on the floor. He can be so sweet. I’m not sure what I’m going to do when he’s 180 lbs and wants to sit in my lap still… but I don’t want to miss out on this cuddle time. Scott's just as bad as I am. His other favorite past time is chewing. Chew, chew, chew… anything—everything. He’s very good at listening to me when I tell him “no” so he hasn’t destroyed anything of ours yet. But I kid you not; he will walk up to a tree and try to chew on it. I will not miss this phase in his life. I need eyes in the back of my head!

Helping out with dishes :)

Yesterday, he got his first bath with us. I went out and bought all the best organic puppy shampoo and conditioner that Petsmart has to offer. I fully expected to get wet and was dressed appropriately for the occasion but the second I turned on the bath tub you would have thought I was trying to throw him into a flaming volcano. He was terrified of the noise. We have a detachable shower head which was great for washing him and once I switched the water to that he did much better. There were a few times he tried to make a great escape and I dropped the shower extension and hosed down our bathroom and myself. He loved the shampoo rub down, though. I had the feeling he could have stood there all day.

 After getting him rinsed and squeezed out he was ready to dry off. We towel dried him for the most part then busted out the hair dryer. He did REALLY well with it. Scott held him in his sit while I went to town. He didn’t cry and as long as Scott was next to him he didn’t try to run for it. Thankfully, his coat is thin and dried really fast. Not a bad first go around.
Right now I can smell the beautiful blooming roses from Scott and am quietly laughing at my sleeping puppy as he twitches and dreams. I’m not sure how four years can go by so fast but at the same time feel like we’ve been doing this forever. I know time only speeds up from here so I’m truly trying to enjoy every second of it.
Love love love,

Monday, August 8, 2011


Thor and "moosey"

The introduction Scott wrote for our baby:
“Be it known: Thor, Dread Hound of Thunder Who Feeds on the Blood of the Innocent, has taken residence at the Hickey estate in Branson, MO. May the townsfolk pray for safety and courageous hearts, who must now live under the shadow of such a fearsome beast.”
Well people the long awaited and highly anticipated arrival of our darling puppy has come at last. Let me tell you a little about our adventure to get him.
There and back again; a puppies “tail”…
As stated in a previous blog, Thor hails from northern Michigan. Due to heat embargos on shipping living animals right now (as there should be, it’s stinkin’ hot!) we got the opportunity to take a little road trip. We decided to split the difference and meet up in Lafayette, IN--proud hometown of Purdue University, come to find out.
When Scott got off of work Friday, I had everything ready to go—pooper scooper and all. We figured the best way to tackle the trip would be in steady segments. So, we drove 4 ½ hours the first day to Collinsville, IL (barely outside of St. Louis) and stayed the night.
The next day we drove another 4 ½ hours, past an endless supply of corn fields, and even found ourselves in the middle of an annual sweet corn festival somewhere along the way. Deciding not to linger too long any place where there was shucking and chucking of corn, we moseyed right along to the next corn hidden town eventually reaching Lafayette.
Sue (our amazing breeder) was already at the park where we were meeting up by the time we arrived. I’m not sure what I expected—him to jump up and run to me tongue lolling as he went—or what, but when we got out of the car he was fast asleep. He stayed asleep through the "grown up" introductions and was hardly disturbed when we went to meet him. He is the single most laid back puppy I have ever seen.
Play time with daddy!
After we roused him from his siesta, we got him to roll around and play for a bit. This pup’s version of “riled up” is most dogs calm. He has a “meh, whatever” kind of attitude that makes him very adaptable. The only “problem” we have is he loooooves people, so when we walk around he is literally on our heels—or between our legs.
He is our little loving cuddle button--I mean… he’s a terrifying, blood thirsty, beast of doom and destruction ;) But seriously, I’m pretty sure his greatest ambition in life is to see how closely he can snuggle. I’M IN HEAVEN!

Getting used to his crate

Last night we crated him for the first time. It was like putting a baby in the crib for the first time. He cried for about 15 minutes (the most heart melting and pathetic whimpers you’ve ever heard—and a tiny howl that makes me smile) but he soon went to sleep. He woke us up at 4:30am (10 mins before the alarm was going to go off anyway) to let us know he couldn’t hold it any longer and he needed to be let out right then. I’m proud to say he made it the whole night without having an accident in the crate. As far as potty training goes, he’s been perfect. He’s a fast learner so I’m really looking forward to puppy classes.
Unfortunately, he is a little chew monster and will chew anything, ANYTHING in front of him (even his a rock or his own foot). This isn’t such a problem as long as we keep his chew toys out where he can see and remember them. Day three—nothing destroyed yet.
Nap time after vet visit
He’s very gentle with a sweet laid back disposition. When I took him to the vet they couldn’t believe how good he was. When the nurse went to hold him for his shot he snuggled up next to her and rolled with the punches. I’m so proud. Doc said he is fit as a fiddle and (as we already knew) is going to massive. He’s currently passed out after his big trip to the vet’s office waiting for daddy to get home.

Thor's paw in my hand:9wks old
He makes for a great source of free entertainment. He’s all paws and legs so it makes him a little clumsy but hilarious. He tripped on his front paws last night and did a front flip onto his bed. He also seems to forget he has a tail and gets startled by it from time to time—of course giving him good reason to chase it and chew on it. Oh, he’s funny. We are SO happy to have him in our lives.
He can’t wait to meet you all, come any time!
Love you all,
S/A (and T)