Monday, February 28, 2011

"Sounds to me like someone has a case of the Mondays"

Wow. So, the last 24 hours have been rather eventful.

all images produced from googleimages

all images produced from googleimages

I was fortunate enough to get to skype with Marma last night while we watched the Oscars. What a great year for films! The hosts did the best they could but of course there are always some obstacles with a production that big. My favorite moment had to be the forever old Kurt Douglas absolutely stealing the show when he presented for best supporting actress. I was cracking up! Unfortunately there were some less than graceful winners who should have been handed a Ms. White Trash award rather than the honorable gold statue.
Poor James Franko did his best under the circumstances. The man had the pressure of hosting one of the most watched televised events of the year while being a strong candidate for winning in one of the biggest categories. People talk about how stiff he was all night, but frankly who could blame him. They shouldn’t have put him in that position but since they did, I feel he preformed to the best of his abilities. Anne was charming and funny breaking the tension with several “personal moments” like shaking the fringe on a beautiful dress that undoubtedly cost more than I would make in more than one year.

all images produced from googleimages

It was a wonderful night of glitz and glam and I loved sharing it with Marma, like every year. Afterwards, we spent some time talking but were rudely interrupted by Sophie (her 10 year old Springer). Around 11pm central time Sophie flipped her lid! She became unreasonable and inconsolable. She was shaking and whimpering out of control. There was a thunderstorm in the area but usually that doesn’t elicit such an emotional response from our furry four legged fried. It wasn’t until Marma switched on the news did we discover there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in the area. A second one rating 3.8 shortly followed—Enter Sophie, the seismograph! This morning on facebook I saw the appropriate following quote: “Dead birds falling from sky, dead fish in rivers, killer tornado, blizzard and earthquakes. Arkansas wins “Who Wants to Host the Apocalypse?”
Meanwhile in Alaska… while watching the Oscars our pipes froze last night. I went to the sink about an hour after the last time I had used the water and… nothing.
As a side note: Let me also mention that our land-people are in Mexico till Friday and Scott is in New Hampshire till Saturday… I am ALONE in this endeavor.

all images produced from googleimages

 It got down in the low teens in the evening and I was planning on leaving a drip going but missed my opportunity. Now, I’m home from work still waiting on the only plumber I could get out here (who was supposed to be here over an hour ago). I have the heat cranked up in here with all the cupboards open in hopes it will help thaw them out. I have a sneaking suspicion I’ll be going out to buy a space heater and lodging myself into a tight space under the house for a while. So, here’s hoping.
I’ve boiled snow to brush my teeth and when I get up to work I’ll be asking if they have showers for employees. Also, with no water I’ve been running this whole operation without coffee. As far as Monday’s go, this one is a doozey. Despite Arkansas’ apocalyptic aspirations, I’m missing home.
I got a text from Scott while he was on his lunch break that said everything was going really well on his first interview. I don’t have any other details but it sounds promising. He said he started smiling as soon as they came down below the clouds on the flight in because New Hampshire was so beautiful and reminded him a lot of Arkansas. We’ll see. Next stop, Montana!
Loving you guys,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hump day of Alaska

7 ½ weeks down, 5 ½ to go… it’s like the Wednesday of our journey. We’re more than half way there now, so moms, rest easily.
This week has been hectic up at work and coming home has never felt better. We walk to and from work every day which isn’t a big deal since the hospital is only a little more than a mile away. In fact it’s extremely enjoyable now that the sun is bright when we leave in the morning and paints the white mountains pink and orange in the evening. We have more than 10 hours of daylight now for a 2 hour gain in a month and a half. Yay! Now, the 20 degree weather is a little less fun.
Last night we went to a potluck dinner at a friend’s house and got to meet a bunch of new people, including many young couples around our age. We had a great time eating homemade vegetable soup, a vegetable quiche, banana bread… and our contribution, pigs in a blanket. Guess I missed the healthy memo but no one seemed to mind since they were ALL devoured shamelessly.
So, I’ve never been a big American Idol watcher but… I decided to watch this seasons audition to see the crazies that audition and make fools of themselves— and now I’m addicted. I love this seasons judges WAY better. Stephen Tyler is my favorite! We’ll be watching tonight… and tomorrow. I have a few early favorites and a few people that I can’t believe are still on here.
I'll be curling up with the electric blanket, Scott, and a little Stephen Tyler. It's been a long but good day and I'm ready for a little R&R.
Love you guys,


Sunday, February 20, 2011


Ah, to live for the weekends.
This weekend has been really fun, though I’m not sure if we’ve ever had cause to report otherwise. Friday night we had some friends over for dinner and stayed in and watched Good Fellas (with DeNiro and Pesci). Saturday we slept in and stayed around the house. We were supposed to be getting 6-8 inches of snow but in the end only got about two inches of snow and several inches of rain down here at sea level. On the mountains was another story. Saturday night we had our friend Chris over (one of Scott’s classmates up here for the same program) for dinner and to watch Casino… also staring DeNiro and Pesci—I’m just about gangster movied out.

Can you see the sea lion?

 Sunday we woke up to sunshine and big plans. We went down to Whale Park, which we heard was absolutely beautiful, and we weren’t disappointed. After climbing out on rocks we were able to sit and enjoy the view with Chris and Jeff (a 4th year med student from New Jersey). Of course I took plenty of pictures. About 50 feet out form us the first of the sea lions headed into the cove for Herring season. I was so excited to see one in the wild. Supposedly there are only more to come. We didn’t see any whales this time but I’m sure we will before April. 
The mountain with the most avalanches

After Whale Park we headed down to hike Herring Cove trail to Beaver Lake. We’ve been there before but there was so much snow on the mountains many of the trails were closed due to avalanches. Now, some may think this is a silly precaution but while hiking, we could hear them all around us. There were at least three we heard but they were far enough away we were safe. The hike in the snow was completely different from the first time we hiked it and it was all lush and green. This time the snow was knee deep a lot of the way, and deeper when you accidently stepped off the trial—which I did a lot since I was looking around and not at the foot prints in front of me.

It was a wonderland! The wind would blow snow off the trees and I felt like we were in a twinkling fairy land. Of course the men didn’t draw the same conclusions as me, but they have testosterone which is medically known to inhibit twinkling and the ability to feel magical. But they aren’t blind and couldn’t deny the beauty of it all.

Tonight we were invited over to another friend’s house for some good Alaskan home cooking. We had Halibut Olympia that was delicious and fresh homemade bread. The food was good but the company was better. We enjoyed sitting around talking and getting to know some new friends.  
Tomorrow we’re back to the ole grind since we had a holiday last week. Scott will be preparing to go on his last two interviews next week and I’ll be preparing for the OSCARS next Sunday. I’m just a little excited… or A LOT.

Missing you all terribly—all our love,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Always creeping, creeping"

Night sky around 11pm-- check out the city lights
turning the mountains red.

So, right after posting my last blog the other day I believe I had just finished saying how tired I was. Scott had already said he was ready to head off to bed and we were shutting down the house for the night. But then we got a call—“Hey guys! It’s a clear night. Let’s go hiking!”—Man, we’re only in Alaska once (as far as we know) and you can’t pass up opportunities like full moon, clear night hiking.  It was worth ever second!

Night sky at the estuary

We went down to hike the muskeg… wait, what on earth is a muskeg? Well, do you remember in Lord of the Rings… I think The Return of the King… when they were in the Dead Marshes? Yeah, that’s a muskeg. A highly acidic bog found in the arctic regions. Here they have an awesome board walk built over it so you can stroll safely. Acidic soil doesn’t make for lush forests but it’s perfect for a clear view of the sky away from the city lights.
We took full advantage of the night. It was amazing—freezing beyond all belief—but amazing. We ended up hiking the muskeg then connecting over to an estuary. I got to take some fun night time pictures but, with much chagrin, didn’t bring a tripod on the hike. Sad day. So, the pictures aren’t 100% clear but I like em’.

An old pic of Gavan I snapped a while back

Night sky again...

Wednesday we went up Gavan Hill in the afternoon. Oh did I mention Gavan Hill is two miles of stair climbing? Alaskan’s don’t really believe in switch backs that make hiking a little long but much easier. They would much rather cut to the chase and walk two miles straight up. My rear was not in gear for this. Ugh! We passed some of our friends heading back down past us, which was strange since they should have been going down the other side of the mountain. They said the wind was wicked and there were some avalanches so it wasn’t stable enough to summit. Scott didn’t see much of a problem… I did. I’m ok saying it, I’m a total weenie. I draw the line at avalanche.
Unfortunately, the pictures I took were all on the camera’s internal memory instead of the card, for which I don’t have the cord to retrieve. I’ll try and figure out a way around it otherwise it might be a while before anyone else can enjoy them.
We have the car this weekend so we’re excited for more exploring. I know Whale Park is on the to-do list for sure. This time I won’t forget the memory card!
Miss you guys and love you all,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lunchroom romance

From the bridge on Monday morning looking back at Sitka

View when I left work Monday
Monday night after an ice cream date

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m exhausted and it’s only Tuesday. Thankfully, tomorrow is Elizabeth Peratrovich Day (an Alaskan activist for the native population—kind of like Martin Luther King Jr. Alaskan style). So, tomorrow we have the day off! The sun is shining and the sky is blue this week so we will be hiking up Gavan Hill tomorrow.

Monday was my first day at work and they weren’t interested on easing me in. Sink or swim, eh. But the good news is I get to walk to and from work with Scott. The sunrise was so beautiful on the freshly snow covered mountains; pictures just don’t do it justice. At 7:30 the sun is coming over the mountains now and when we get off, a little after 5, the sky still has the lingering touches of light. I’m super excited-- Day light is here!
 I do work with Scott now but most days he’ll be out in the hospital doing other student-y things. Good news is he does like to sit by me at lunch (but we don’t play together on the playground). It was a great way to spend Valentine’s Day if we had to be working. 
Other side of the bridge on the way to work Monday.
Didn't have time to cross the street to miss the pole.

Today was a bit more hectic and a little more tiring but nothing I can’t handle. Scott was wonderful and fixed me a big plate of chicken spaghetti and made me a nice cup of hot coco when we got home. I’m so spoiled—I love it!
I’ll be sure and take tons of pictures tomorrow on our hike. It’s a part of the island we haven’t be to yet so I’m looking forward to the new views.

All our love, 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend wonderland

Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day!

Russian Folk Band
Saturday day was very relaxed with sleeping in and cinnamon rolls with coffee in bed. We stayed cuddled up with good books and let the rain keep soaking the town. Saturday night on the other hand was The Fiddle Grind. Tickets were only five bucks and if you brought a homemade dessert they gave you your money back. There was a contest for best dessert but I most certainly did not enter. So, you show up with your dessert then go in and watch a couple of hours of really awesome music. There were over thirty local musicians who preformed and totally rocked our socks off.
One of the groups that performed was playing a series of waltzes and asked for anyone who wished to come up to the stage and waltz. There were probably a dozen couple heading up there and so I turned to Scott with the biggest eyes and sweetest smile and begged mercilessly. I won. It was SO fun! I had a smile stretched from ear to ear the whole time. I even told him it could count as part of his Valentine’s Day present to me. 
Our friend Nick (right)

The talent ranged from 11 years old up to someone in their 70’s. People played banjos, cellos, accordions, violins, fiddles, piano… and I’m 96.4% sure I saw a recorder in there somewhere (you know, like what we played in 5th grade music class). There was a group that played traditional Russian instruments that I don’t remember the names of but the songs had a lot of HEY!s. One of our good friends here did beautiful shape note singing with a trio accompanied by a cello. A couple of brothers did a mandolin and fiddle version of The Blues Brothers (hats and sunglasses included). Also, this amazing cellist did a rendition of a Grateful Dead song that blew us out of the water. It was an amazing concert followed by fantastic homemade desserts. I would have paid way more than $5—Wonderful!

Today the snow has really been coming down so it killed our hiking trip we had planned. Tomorrow through Wednesday are supposed to be really nice out though… too bad I start work tomorrow. But because of that we went to the store to stock up on food so I could make some casseroles a head of time. We will be eating a LOT of chicken spaghetti… but I got Scott’s mom’s recipe so I don’t think either of us will mind. (How could anything be bad with a pound of Velveeta in it?)
I hope everyone has a great week full of love whether from your kids, or cat, or significant other.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Burrrrr... Barrow

Happy Friday our wonderful blog-ies! I’m sorry to say that the last 36 hours have been painfully uneventful. The buckets of rain we have been getting have also kept me from taking the camera out for photo adventures. I guess Fayetteville is the place to get to see all the action with record temperatures like -20 and record snow over two feet. THIS IS CRAZY! I also hear it will be in the 60’s in the next few days-- that has to be another record for temp swings. I looked at the weather in Barrow, Alaska (the northern most city in the US—and ABOVE THE ARCTIC CIRCLE) and the day Fayetteville had -17 weather… it was colder than Barrow. Please let me re-emphasize that it lies above the Arctic Circle. Unreal!
Tonight we’re having our Friday night dinner thing at our place and I’m making salmon (thanks Shawn!). Tomorrow we’re going to The Grind which is a local talent show they hold once a month here with various themes. This month is Fiddles. We hear it’s going to be the best one of the year. I’ll be sure and take LOTS of pictures and blog all about it!
Hope you're all having fun in the snow.
For the record we are jealous.
All our love!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In a nutshell...

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and even better start to your week. Scott and I had a great time in Anchorage for interviews and family time.
Thankfully, my dear cousin was able to talk a moose into welcoming us personally to her home on Saturday-- so my life is complete. That night we kept with the moose theme and went to a local staple Moose’s Tooth Pizza where they make all kinds of fantastic specialty pizzas. We choose spicy Thai (which had a peanut sauce instead of marinara) and something Tuscan… both were delicious and we ate till we were stuffed. Later that night, we went down town to see the ice sculptures and do a little skating. It was rather frosty so we didn’t last long but we had fun.
Sunday Shawn took us cross country skiing. Scott picked it up really well whereas I failed on epic proportions. The very first hill I had to go up took me a good ten minutes while I laughed (at myself) till I cried and watched 5 year old kids and 80year old grandpas zip on by me. The first hill was definitely the hardest, but after a while I figured it out and by the end of the 5 miles I felt pretty good with my new skills. Now, when I say skills, I mean I was moving in a forward motion and face planting less than when I started. There were many wipe outs where I believe I was compared to a walrus in heat, wallowing in the snow, while trying to get back up in the skis. I did a LOT of laughing that day.  

The sun around 10am

Afterwards we hiked to the Chugach trail head and looked out at the spectacular views. Seeing Mt. McKinley (or Denali to the locals) from Anchorage is humbling to say the least. That night we watched the Super Bowl—mostly for the commercials and Christina Aguilera butchering our nation’s anthem—and chilled by the fire.
Monday, Scott went in for his Residency interview (which went very well) and Liza took me driving down to Beluga Bay to see some amazing scenery (thus today's pictures, since you've seen the others). I can’t get over how breathtaking these places are. Anchorage isn’t as lush as Sitka but the mountains are still spectacular beyond belief. Later she took me to check out the shopping down town. I must say, they have more than Arkansas in terms of shopping. Beauty and convenience--I was impressed.  After we picked up Scott and changed into some good hiking gear we headed out down Power Line Pass trail for a little decompression and fresh air.
The weather the whole trip was beautiful—20’s during the day (which Liza called “balmy”) and around 10 at night. The sun was definitely shining on our time in Anchorage. So, a VERY special thanks to my cousins the McFarlane’s for their wonderful hospitality and for showing us the potential of Alaska.
Next week I’m looking forward to starting work again but will probably neglect important things like cooking and cleaning… so I best be off to do laundry and start a hot pot of homemade chicken noodle while I still can!
Love you guys,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Anchorage-- Day 2

Edit: I added most of the pictures from the video below for better clairity.

                                                                                 I claim no musical rights to this video

Mt. McKinnley on the right

McKinnley through the trees

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Batten down the hatches!

The harbor yesterday

Happy Groundhog’s Day everybody! So, I hear we shall see spring after all, though I’m sure some of you doubt the folklore at this point. While having coffee with Marma over skype this morning she said something about 6 or more inches of snow that Fayetteville has. Yikes! Well, I hope everyone is hunkered down and staying warm.
Yesterday was cloudy but lovely. It was in the low 40’s and while walking around town I got so warm I had to shed some layers. The water in the harbor was the most wonderful shade of deep sapphire! The sky was grey but the water was crystal clear and every time the wind blew I could smell the salt and distinct fishiness of an island—not exactly a favorite smell, but one I’ll forever associate with this place.
While out and about I got a call back for an interview so I headed up to the hospital to interview for a pharmacy tech position. So, hopefully next week I’ll be back to my ole ways of counting pills by the 5’s. My reign of domesticity will be coming to an end and I’ll be a working gal once more. Don’t fret though, it will only be part time and I’ll still have plenty of free time for adventures and blogging.  
Today, on the other hand, has been full of rain and wind so strong I expected to see the wicked witch flying by on her broom. Needless to say, I stayed inside as much as possible. I’ve finished the rough draft of my book and am in the intensive editing stage. To alleviate some of the stress of punctuation and complex sentence structure, I baked some fudgy peanut butter brownies—mostly just so I could lick the bowl after pouring them in the pan. There’s something very therapeutic about brownie batter.
I concluded the afternoon with my dear old friends Cathy and Heathcliff. I’m afraid I’m an emotional junky and just can’t put down a great tear jerker. Scott, on the other hand has been working very hard on getting presentations ready for work and for residency interviews. His next one is this weekend in Anchorage. I try to help him with his presentations but have very limited knowledge on Extended Infusion of Piperacillin-Tazobactam so I do a lot of smiling and nodding.
Stay toasty and safe—We love you all,