Ah, the ordinary life. This is something on which I’ve been reflecting as of late. It’s so strange to me to be settled without the goal of the next step in sight. Our whole lives have been leading up to what is next, hanging in anticipation of completion—High school to college, college to graduation, dating to marriage, school to job. So, now that we have accomplished all that we set out to do, what next?
We’ve really enjoyed the down time of getting to know a new city and a new job but now the dust has settled and we are left at a cross road. I’m certainly not the first to be here, I’m simply taking my turn. It’s moments like this in life where we meet our proverbial two roads in a yellow wood. But what Frost didn’t say, for I’m sure it would have been far less poetical, is that it’s not two roads in a wood, it is fifteen blasted roads and they all look equal.
So, as dear Mr. Frost has failed me on in my search, I turn now to Mr. Thoreau.
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” –Henry David Thoreau
I suppose these are our common hours where we gather our confidence to set forth into the direction of the life we dream. And if there is one thing Scott and I are good at, it’s dreaming. J We have dreams and schemes to come if we hold to our courage and each other.
A little about our ordinary life lately:
almsot 5 months |
Please, not before my coffee |
Proud graduate! |
Scott’s job is going great and will only be getting better at the first of the New Year when they get a night shift pharmacist. He’s been working so hard and I know for him (an eternal night owl) the 6am shift has been a huge adjustment. But, with the help of early bed times, strong coffee, and the occasional nap (like the one he’s taking right now), mornings are far more do-able. Turns out, Thor isn’t much for early mornings either.
Scott took Thor camping again this past weekend with some of his friends. This was the first time Thor had to pack in with the big boys. They only went a mile and a half but pup had to learn how to pace himself. He came home filthy and exhausted… but very happy. Also, puppy graduated from his Puppy 1 class-- top of his class might I add. We were very, very proud!
While the boys were off playing in the dirt, I made a quick trip down to Little Rock to run in the Race for the Cure. Sara and I braved the hoards of estrogen and pressed on for 3.2 miles. What a great cause for so many men and women to support. Everywhere you looked, forward or backward, the roads were packed with people who were or knew someone affected by breast cancer. Talk about ordinary people doing the extraordinary.
Nothing big or special in our current plans, but who knows what we’ll dream up next? I suppose it’s a nice change to live life day to day, enjoying surprise bouquets, warm puppy bellies, and the beautiful foliage of the Ozarks in the fall.
We love and miss everyone and can’t wait for the holidays to get here!