I would first like to say how incredibly proud I am of Scott and how hard he is working for us in his rotations. The end is in sight and I know it would be easy to start slacking off but he is still out there giving 110%. I know the people he works with appreciate his efforts and I’m sure his school will too. Almost there!
The park was very pretty, if not a little moist. But while making my way through I heard a familiar tune. New Kids on the Block!!! It was the distinct beginning of “The Right Stuff” you know where it goes “Oh, oh, ee, oh, oh. Oh, oh, ee, oh.” I looked around to find the source and gush with the person over a shared past love, but didn’t see anyone except a pair of birds looking at me like I was crazy. I decided to keep walking and forget about it but as I turned to leave it happened again! I whirled around just in time to identify one of the ravens as my karaoke culprit. I sat there and stared at the bird in disbelief. It had to be a fluke. There was no way a bird could sing New Kids… but then it did it again. I got my phone out as fast as I could to record the teen pop feathered friend but he wouldn’t sing on the spot. We had a stare off for what was entirely too long for me to care about a bird singing an old 80’s song. Alas, reliving my childhood was over and went on to the post office a little nostalgic.
So, remember the other day when I said it had been snowing and then raining and then snowing again? Wasn’t that hilarious? Well, today I decided to go for a run since there are ZERO treadmills on this whole island for my use! There is one gym where they do kick boxing and yoga but they charge an arm and a leg! There isn’t even a track for public or purchased use. So, I donned my flashing runners arm band, laced up the ole’ sneakers, and hit the pavement… oh, did I say pavement? I meant solid sheet of ice. I made a very valiant effort at running on the ice but decided a broken knee cap wasn’t worth it, I could always bust out the Nutcracker if need be. So, I tried to jog on the road until I realized it wasn't much better and it had cars that could come careening out of control and kill me. So then I tried running in the grass only to find many hidden (half frozen) ankle deep puddles to fall in. Squishy tennis shoes was where I drew the line. Feeling this just wasn’t my day I tried to make my way back home. To my misfortune I found running uphill on ice not only difficult but pointless too. I know there were some local shop owners who had to be pointing and laughing saying, “Hey, check out the ridiculous bimbo in the earmuffs trying to run up hill on ice. She has to be from out of town.”—Fail.
Ay me.
I’m glad to be safe at home with dry socks on and the electric blanket cranked up. Perhaps my writing will be more fruitful than my amusing exercise efforts today. If anyone has any ideas on how to work out without going to a gym (since we have none) or running out side; please do share your secret.
Sending a little wet and chilly love to you all,
Oh AnnaCaye, we miss you at the pharmacy, but absolutely love reading about your adventures.
ReplyDeleteKathy H.
Ms. Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI miss you guys too! I'm so glad you're enjoying reading the blog. We are having such a great time so it's pretty easy to have stuff to write about.