Thanksgiving has come and gone, too much turkey has been eaten, and now the race to get Christmas cards postmarked in time is on. I realize how much I’ve been posting about Thor lately so I thought I would try and focus more human aspect of our trio (this time).
We’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve been able to spend with our families off and on this past month. From the birthdays of 90% of our families packed into 30 intense partying days, to sharing nice sit down holiday meals with everyone. It’s been a real treat and we still have more to come!
For those of you who aren’t my friend on face book and missed the epic pictorial chronicles of my trip to St. Louis with Terra, here’s a recap. Ps, we had an amazing time!
Food: Food is always a huge part of any trip in my family so we made sure this was no exception. Some of the highlights include, but aren’t limited to; Sushi and lotus buns (Oh! Dear sweet lotus-y goodness!), S’more ravioli (exactly what it sounds like… heaven), and Cheesecake factory for more artery clogging amazing-ness on a fork.
Adventure: St. Louis Zoo, da Vinci invention exhibit (on loan from Florence), SL Art Museum where they had Monte’s Water Lilies and a few of his exercises in lilies, and finally the SL Science Center where were absolutely went to the Star Trek expo.
Scott overcome with Skyrim joy-- Goober |
More: I don’t know what category this would fall under but we definitely watched Netflix one night on Terra’s iphone… FYI-- Arrested Development is still super funny in miniature.
Scott’s life in the past few weeks can be summed up into one word… SKYRIM! He has been consumed.
All in all we are doing great and looking forward to Christmas back home with the families (wow, kind of sounds like we’re in the mafia). Can’t wait to see everyone soon!
All the lovin’ we have to give,