Oh the gloriousness of fall! Cool weather means getting to spend more time outside, sleeping with the windows open, and of course all the cold weather food!
Scott, Thor, and I got to make our first trip back to Fayetteville as a little family. We were so excited for everyone to meet (and love) our baby. First stop was at Nana’s where he soon felt right at home. Marma came over to play with her granddog since Sophie, her English springer spaniel, is not the friendliest little gal when it comes to other pups. I think he won them over with the toe licking. J
Next stop was Scott’s parent’s house. They have recently adopted a pair of adorable (and quite possibly the tiniest I’ve ever seen) kittens. Thor has been well socialized with other dogs of all sizes but this was his first encounter with a cat. At first he thought they were toys and went to pick one up with his mouth until it started hissing and spitting at him. From then on, it was lesson learned and he gave the 1lb fluff balls plenty of space.
After that we stopped over at Daddy’s for Thor to meet Sobe, his year old Boston terrier. They really hit it off! The two of them ran and played until they were both so tiered they collapsed and took a nap together. They’re pretty darn cute!
By the time we left to head back to Branson Thor was so exhausted he passed out before we left the city limits. But it was so fantastic to see everyone.
Amy, Terra, me @ Glitchcon |
The next weekend was the first of the cool weather so Scott packed up Thor and headed down to Rush camp grounds for a little fall camping. I made an ultra quick trip to Fayetteville while they were gone to spend a little extra time with people I missed the first time around. This included going to Glitchcon with Terra, my sister, and her husband. It was a trip! I believe we had the best time of anyone at the conference. Apparently, Thor did great camping but is missed his life indoors and was ready to come home.
This past weekend was cold and rainy so we headed to the store and got everything we would need to survive including, but not limited to, hot cocoa, marshmallows, and all the fixings to make spiced cider. Then, we spent the weekend cuddled up on the couch watching movies and reading good books. Perfection!
Thor, 16 wks |
Next weekend is my golden birthday! I’ll be 25 on the 25th-- I’m pretty darn excited about it too. We’re keeping it small but formal (because there is nothing I like better in this world than dressing up!) and celebrating with some friends in the area the following weekend. But I’ll go ahead and tell you I’ve rented a gold Badgley Mischka gown for the occasion… Ah! So excited!
Speaking of birthday’s… Thor is 4 months old today! He’s currently (as best as I could measure a moving target) 25 inches tall, and 41 inches long (from nose to rump), and weighs 53lbs! That’s our big boy!
Hope everyone is getting out there and enjoying this amazing weather!
Love you guys,