He decided to go with a world traveling theme since it’s what we love to do and plan to continue doing. He put up pictures from all the different places we’ve been spanning three countries and all over the US. He’s also hung some of the souvenirs we’ve collected along the way. You can’t tell in the pictures but the desk has on old leather map on the top of it that goes well with the one we have on the wall. It reminds us of how much we still have let to see together.
We inherited the book shelves from Scott’s grandma (to whom we owe much!) so that we could organize our crazy reading habits. Thankfully, I got a Kindle last year and have stopped filling up space with my addiction. But, every now and then, it’s nice to go grab a well worn book off the shelf and flop down in a cozy chair and drift away into another well written world.
So, now we are down to our last room—the guest room. We’re looking for a daybed/trundle or a good futon to put in there. The room isn’t that big so saving space will be key. I love having a home. I know we won’t be staying in this house very long (as we’re wanting to buy sometime in the spring) but it feels good to have space.
As an update (besides finishing the house) we’ve stayed ever busy. Scott is running the hospital pharmacy this week on his own. He has been the primary pharmacist dealing with the cancer center and chemo treatments but now there’s a little more to juggle. He’s doing a great job!
I’m staying busy with zumba, yoga, Pilates, and ballet. Not to mention cooking, cleaning, laundry, and finishing the Harry Potter series (on book 5—man that woman can write!). Nothing exciting or new just busy, busy, busy.
I think it’s safe to say we are really settled in. We are happy, we are loved, and life just doesn’t get any better than this.
Come and see us anytime!
We love you guys,