Wow. So, the last 24 hours have been rather eventful.
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I was fortunate enough to get to skype with Marma last night while we watched the Oscars. What a great year for films! The hosts did the best they could but of course there are always some obstacles with a production that big. My favorite moment had to be the forever old Kurt Douglas absolutely stealing the show when he presented for best supporting actress. I was cracking up! Unfortunately there were some less than graceful winners who should have been handed a Ms. White Trash award rather than the honorable gold statue.
Poor James Franko did his best under the circumstances. The man had the pressure of hosting one of the most watched televised events of the year while being a strong candidate for winning in one of the biggest categories. People talk about how stiff he was all night, but frankly who could blame him. They shouldn’t have put him in that position but since they did, I feel he preformed to the best of his abilities. Anne was charming and funny breaking the tension with several “personal moments” like shaking the fringe on a beautiful dress that undoubtedly cost more than I would make in more than one year.
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It was a wonderful night of glitz and glam and I loved sharing it with Marma, like every year. Afterwards, we spent some time talking but were rudely interrupted by Sophie (her 10 year old Springer). Around 11pm central time Sophie flipped her lid! She became unreasonable and inconsolable. She was shaking and whimpering out of control. There was a thunderstorm in the area but usually that doesn’t elicit such an emotional response from our furry four legged fried. It wasn’t until Marma switched on the news did we discover there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in the area. A second one rating 3.8 shortly followed—Enter Sophie, the seismograph! This morning on facebook I saw the appropriate following quote: “Dead birds falling from sky, dead fish in rivers, killer tornado, blizzard and earthquakes. Arkansas wins “Who Wants to Host the Apocalypse?”
Meanwhile in Alaska… while watching the Oscars our pipes froze last night. I went to the sink about an hour after the last time I had used the water and… nothing.
As a side note: Let me also mention that our land-people are in Mexico till Friday and Scott is in New Hampshire till Saturday… I am ALONE in this endeavor.
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It got down in the low teens in the evening and I was planning on leaving a drip going but missed my opportunity. Now, I’m home from work still waiting on the only plumber I could get out here (who was supposed to be here over an hour ago). I have the heat cranked up in here with all the cupboards open in hopes it will help thaw them out. I have a sneaking suspicion I’ll be going out to buy a space heater and lodging myself into a tight space under the house for a while. So, here’s hoping.
I’ve boiled snow to brush my teeth and when I get up to work I’ll be asking if they have showers for employees. Also, with no water I’ve been running this whole operation without coffee. As far as Monday’s go, this one is a doozey. Despite Arkansas’ apocalyptic aspirations, I’m missing home.
I got a text from Scott while he was on his lunch break that said everything was going really well on his first interview. I don’t have any other details but it sounds promising. He said he started smiling as soon as they came down below the clouds on the flight in because New Hampshire was so beautiful and reminded him a lot of Arkansas. We’ll see. Next stop, Montana!
Loving you guys,